Yesterday night after returning from office I switched on my computer and logged on to my twitter account. A new message blob was waiting for me there which was pointing towards the trending topics list, only this time it read "Trending: Worldwide". There was an option to go local also. Twitter added the new Local Trends feature to the site.
As Twitter blog says "Last week we began to slowly roll out a new feature called Local Trends to expose what people are talking about on the state and city level, and today we've fully launched". The feature is designed to keep Twitter users up to date with the hottest topics being tweeted.
Excited I clicked to opt for my city (of course Delhi) But Right now, there aren't many options. One can choose from only 15 cities and 6 countries. The official blog says "We’ll be improving this feature over time to provide more locations". But exact rollout is not known.
This move will definitely provide roughly 15 million active tweeters, a closer look into the hot topics people in their vicinity. Also you will be able to discover even more relevant topics that might matter to you.