Monday, June 28, 2010

Why you should not connect with a Person’s Official Email ID

An email is meant to communicate and to keep in touch with someone. But connecting with someone via his/her official mail id calls for something to be kept in mind that he/she is working for a company and provided an email id on company domain that prohibits them from using the email id for personal use. Although our action may or may not be reprehensive but they do represent a bad professional image of us. Thank HR for not reprimanding you on this.

Moreover a person’s official id may not connect you to him/her forever. As soon as he changes his company/Organization he works for, you may loose communication with him.

What’s more sometimes you forward mails to all your friends without noticing that it is his/her official id. I remember when a friend complained that how another friend of his sends him forward mails, some of them containing naughty things (you know how it happens), on his official ID and how it has put him in embracing situations on few occasions. Besides this consider for example, a day you are sitting doing your official work and a forward mail comes telling you to send it to 10 people you love. It is just so irritating that you are interrupted in the middle of the workflow with an email that has nothing to do with work.

Although you may see no harm in getting your official ID into contact list of the of the other person but unfortunately many people disclose their own email id and password to social networking sites and that site uses the APIs to get all email addresses from the contact list which they use to send invitations like be a part of the organizational campaign, to all the ids (unfortunately your official id was added in their contact list). By this way, your official id can go to the spammers.

So be professionally aware and moderately govern your actions before you communicate with someone’s Official ID.

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